I struggled to find ideas on how I should attack this upcoming project. I was trying to avoid using running as a project idea but here we are… I chose why you should go for a run just because I have so much experience from it and why not. I’ve been avoiding doing this all semester and now I think is the right time to use running for my project.
Initial script…
Why Should you go out for a run? There are many reasons why you should go out for a nice easy run or jog. 60 million people around the world decided to go out for a nice run. Many are unaware of the mental health benefits of running. Running relieves many of the major stresses in life. In a survey, about 8 out of 10 people run to relieve those stresses. But why is that important you ask? It’s important because that ties in with mental health. Running and mental health have been linked together for years. Multiple health experts say that running for at least 50 minutes a week helps you sleep better at night. It helps you set a normal sleep schedule over time. And finally, the friendships you can achieve through running. Many athletes and people get into running because a friend told them or because they wanted to get involved with something with their friends.
Style Tiles
Updated Narrative Script
Many are unaware of the mental health benefits of running. Running relieves many of the major stresses in life.
In a survey, about 8 out of 10 people run to relieve those stresses. But why is that important you ask? It’s important because that ties in with mental health. Running and mental health have been linked together for years. (condense into 2 sentences)
- Here’s another interesting tidbit. Multiple health experts say that running for at least 50 minutes a week helps you sleep better at night. It helps you set a normal sleep schedule over time.
- One more stat on benefits of running to mental health.
- And finally, the friendships you can achieve through running. Many athletes and people get into running because a friend told them or because they wanted to get involved with something with their friends.
- Go out and run… relieve stress (call to action; action statement).